Sorry for the late update this week. Last week some family issues arose and I wasn't able to find the time to write a new post, so this week I'll write two. :)
So things don't seem to be getting any better, and now it's just frustrating. I want to run!!!! I'm sick and tired of going to rehab and doing the same monotonous exercises that don't seem to be helping at all. And I know that it takes a long time to get better from an injury like tendinitis, but frankly I'm over it. I can go for a run and push through the pain, but I'm not "supposed to." This sounds very heinous of me, but maybe I should lie to the trainers and just start to say that it feels better so that I'll be able to return to play.
I feel like I'm getting desperate with this whole fiasco. How did it end up this bad? When I look back on how it all began, it just doesn't make any sense. Okay, so it's an overuse injury. But, this began after three weeks of no activity at all!! Plus, I was running 40+ miles a week before my break, so it's not like it's more intensity than I'm used to.
I'd like to think that I'm over the whole mental aspect of being at a different school, with a different team, etc. But maybe I'm not. Maybe it is, in fact, a mental road block keeping me from healing fully. Maybe because I feel like I've lost my home team, Triton, it's taking away the thing that I associate so closely with Triton: running. This is making sense in my head, however much I'd like to not believe it. I don't know if it's coming out the way I want it to sound, though. I wonder if sports therapy would do anything...
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