Saturday, October 2, 2010

I just want to run!!

This week I decided to just go for it. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I ran with the team on the trails. On Tuesday, Thursday, and today, my knee hasn't been feeling that great. I've been trying to run for 25-30 minutes when I do run. I may have mentioned this before, but my knee feels better the faster I run. But it always starts to hurt after I finish. Tendonitis is so temperamental. :(

I started doing some new things in rehab this week, also. Instead of icing before I do the exercises, they give my five minutes of ultrasound on my knee. Then I do the exercises and end with ice and e-stim. E-stim is one of the best feelings. Once you get adjusted to the feeling and become numb, it makes you want to fall asleep. 

Today, we didn't have a meet or anything, so Rich (my boyfriend) and I went up to Holmdel Park to watch the Shore Coaches Invitational meet. My high school team was running. It was great to see everyone, but I felt bad. They only had four girls in the race because everyone else is injured. You need at least five people to score, seven ideally. They four who did run performed well, so good for them. I also got to meet Rich's parents today for lunch before the meet, who were so nice! I was so nervous about meeting them, but everything ended up going great. :)

So, I'm still unsure if I'm going to red shirt the season or not. I think there's only 4 more meets left, so it seems kinda pointless. I have to talk to Coach about is some more. We'll see...

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